Alicia L. O'Sullivan, Au.D.

Does Tufts Insurance Cover Hearing Aids?

Does Tufts Insurance Cover Hearing Aids?

Unfortunately, people tend to neglect or delay treating a hearing loss for six to ten years. One of the biggest reasons for this is due to common misconceptions surrounding the investment involved in getting hearing aids. Yes, hearing aids might seem expensive when...

Do You Need an Earwax Removal Appointment?

Do You Need an Earwax Removal Appointment?

Have your ears been feeling like they are clogged or full? Or has your hearing sounded muffled or mumbled? If your ears feel blocked up and you haven’t been swimming lately, the likely culprit is a buildup of earwax. A natural response is to try and remove it...

4 Ways To Protect Your Hearing

4 Ways To Protect Your Hearing

Of all the forms of hearing loss, only one is 100% preventable. It also happens to be one of the most common. Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is a type of sensorineural hearing loss. This means it affects the hearing nerves which receive the sound which is carried...

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