
You Don’t Have To Live With The Ringing In Your Ears

If you experience ongoing tinnitus (ringing, humming, or buzzing in your ears), then you already understand its impact on your quality of life.

Those who struggle with chronic tinnitus are never able to relax or escape the overwhelming presence of tinnitus, but there are devices and techniques available to help manage your condition and minimize the impact it has on your life. Management begins with a better understanding of tinnitus and what causes it.

A women suffering from tinnitus aka ringing in the ears

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the perception of noises within your ears or head, often described as ringing, buzzing, whooshing, roaring, crickets, etc., that do not exist as an external sound. Many researchers recognize the condition as a neurological disease that is similar to “phantom limb” experienced by amputees.

In its initial stages, tinnitus goes unnoticed or may come and go (acute tinnitus), but as the sounds intensify, loss of sleep, increased stress, and decreased productivity are common consequences. Greater awareness of the condition adds to the level of stress, leading to increased intensity and greater awareness of the condition that produces a snowballing effect.

Woman touching her ear possibly suffering from tinnitus

What Causes Tinnitus?

The specific cause of tinnitus has not yet been identified. Possible causes include:

  • Damage to the inner ear (usually associated with hearing loss)
  • Middle ear infection or buildup of fluid in the middle ear
  • Meniere’s Disease
  • Earwax buildup
  • Ototoxic medications
  • High blood pressure
  • Hyper/hypothyroidism
  • Diabetes
  • Acoustic neuromas
Image of  a girl with sound wave graphics

Tinnitus Often Accompanies Hearing Loss

Statistics show that 75% of people with some level of hearing loss also complain of tinnitus symptoms. Although it does not cause hearing loss, tinnitus can be an indicator of mild to severe hearing loss.

The Central Gain Theory is among the prevailing theories surrounding why individuals with hearing loss experience tinnitus and tinnitus-related symptoms. Proponents of this theory argue that tinnitus is an adaptive, neurological response by your brain to replace missing brain sounds no longer received through the normal hearing process.

Tinnitus treatment near you in Hanover and South Weymouth

Tinnitus Evaluation And Diagnosis

A hearing assessment is the first step toward managing tinnitus symptoms. During your hearing evaluation, your audiologist will ask for information regarding your condition and how it is affecting your quality of life.

Your hearing assessment will also identify hearing loss, medications, and other conditions known to produce tinnitus symptoms. Additional audiological testing designed to measure the loudness and pitch of your tinnitus is also part of tinnitus evaluation.

In some cases, additional testing by ear, nose, and throat doctors or other medical professionals is necessary to rule out other suspected medical conditions.

Grey haired man suffering from tinnitus

Common Techniques for Managing Tinnitus

There are many tinnitus programs that promise to cure tinnitus. Most have never been validated and produce little more than a placebo effect, taking your money without providing measurable results.

Keep in mind that with no defined cause, there is no defined cure for tinnitus. However, doctors, scientists, and audiologists have developed several technologies and techniques to help patients find relief from its effects, including:

  • Masking (decrease sound awareness)
  • Medication Therapy (to reduce stress and anxiety, aid sleep)
  • Levo Systems (zeroes out sound by matching the quality and volume of the sound)
  • Desync Sound Therapy (to disrupt the neural signal from tinnitus)
  • The Listening Program® SLEEP (sounds/music to retrain how the brain interprets sound)
  • The Sound Pillow® Sleep System (relaxes the body to promote sustainable sleep)
  • Hearing Aids (correct hearing loss while providing “environmental sound masking”)
  • Alternative Therapies (neuraminic therapy, psychological counseling, biofeedback, and relaxation techniques)
  • Cognitive Habituation Tinnitus Therapy (CHaTT) (sound therapy combined with personalized cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness.

The effectiveness of these various types of management techniques varies from one patient to the next and might include a combination of techniques guided by a professional.

Tinnitus Management Leads To A More
Rewarding And Productive Lifestyle

A hearing assessment and tinnitus evaluation are critical first steps to establishing a tinnitus management plan. South Shore Hearing’s management technologies and techniques are built on well-established research and experience that have produced measurable results, which lead to a more rewarding and productive lifestyle.

If you or a loved one is struggling with tinnitus, then schedule a hearing assessment and tinnitus evaluation appointment with one of our experts.


Hear What Our Patients Have To Say

Tinnitus Management Leads To A More Rewarding And Productive Lifestyle

A hearing assessment and tinnitus evaluation are critical first steps to establishing a tinnitus management plan. South Shore Hearing’s management technologies and techniques are built on well-established research and experience that have produced measurable results, which lead to a more rewarding and productive lifestyle.

If you or a loved one is struggling with tinnitus, then schedule a hearing assessment and tinnitus evaluation appointment with one of our experts.

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You can rest assured that our team specializes in identifying the causes of tinnitus, and we can offer comprehensive, customized solutions for your symptoms that will help your unique needs.

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